Tuesday 3 April 2012

His Garden

This poem, His garden sounds so pretty and it gives you a pretty picture in your head filled with flowers, bees buzzing around, butterflies and birds chirping as you would look outside the window. Every time I'm outside relaxing and watching all the plants and beings around, I would bless the mother nature for these beautiful plants and animals. Everyday I water the plants at noon then  I would sit in my beach chair in the backyard with a cup of a ice tea and just lay their and watch the beauty of nature around you. The flowers look so lively and sways around among the wind, listening to sounds around like music, very relaxing when you block everything out of your life.

A toast

I really enjoy this poem, A toast. It's always a special moment weather you like it or not but it is special to me when you make a toast, it's always important because it's very moving when a person makes a speech, it's memorable especially for those to share their good and bad memories that we all look back and laugh like sharing a speeches at the wedding sharing their good moments together in their experience or express their love and express the words filled with emotions to show how they really feel and how important it is to them to hold onto those memories.

I want you

I choose this poem, I want you because this poem talks about their own desires in their point of view for their partner or a friend they want to be with. This poem also talks about that humans are like animals under these clothes that we wear and also says "one body but two heads. And why is there always a mirror" This reminds of me a coin that has two faces on the sides of the coin that reflects the inside and the outside of their personalities of who you are. To me, I have one body but two faces, one poker face that I use in the real world and the real me in the lonely room with no one around.